So you’ve done it, you’ve committed to your podcast. Maybe it’s about fitness and lifestyle. Maybe it’s about fintech. Or maybe it’s about your beloved Chiweenie Noodle that you spend every waking second with. Well, do you know what every solid podcast need to make their vision standout, seem professional, and let listeners know that they are truly committed to this cast? They need an intro and outtro narrated by a professional voiceover actor! Laura has voiced podcast intros and outtros for top podcasters and lesser known names. Laura has even voiced intros/outtros for the creator of LinkedIn in their podcast Greymatter!
Another huge area for voiceover in podcasting is in podcast advertising or commercials. From short 15 and 30 second spots, to longer product endorsement interludes that sound more like explainers, Laura has done them all! Sometimes you need a serious, professional voice. Other times you need a clear, upbeat narrator. Often Laura is cast for her conversational, millennial read. Laura is happy to work with you to keep your listeners connected during this important break during the podcast. If your podcast is growing and has enough listeners that you are getting advertisers, it is important that this spot really stand out, and Laura will work with you to make it perfect.
For a link to some recurring work on a fun children’s podcast that Laura does, click here: pjlibrary.org/podcast